Sunday, July 20, 2008

Prawning! (Catch & Cook) oN 19072008

活动名称是 "Catch & Cook",NTUDelio Aprecio ClubAngler's Club 首次联办。
地点: Bottle Tree Prawning Pond
To the members in the clubs: You peeps did a great job :)
又是我的第一次!。。。钓虾~ 哈哈。开心咯,因为新鲜感嘛,嘿嘿。(不好意思,本人有点 sua ku 。。。)

但还不止,除了钓虾、烤虾、还有许多美味佳肴享用(而且是有高手煮的哦),这一切只需。。。20块!物超所值!赞!(你要知道,单单钓虾,平时一小时就须 $14.50, 我们是钓了至少两小时)

还不止~ 在钓虾同时本人也悟出了一些东西。。。其实做人有时候就应该像钓虾一样,哈哈。但愿我能一直都记得并运用这些道理。。。不懂我在说什么?或许你亲身钓一钓就明白了,呵呵。



Karen 与虾

YC 与虾“搏斗”(他被虾儿们的钳子夹了几次,呵呵。)

Above: The chef! He's a great cook sia... He's doing some demonstration, teaching us how to make and eat Tuscan Bruschetta.

This is Guacamole. Looks too green like... haha. But well, it tastes good, especially if you eat it with nachos.

My favourite! It's spread with garlic-herb butter and taken to grill... yummy...

Grilled Rosemary Chicken with Asparagus and Portobello. Thumbs up.

Our catch... and they are transformed by the wonderful chef into... the Cajun Prawns.

Look at the flesh, it's so fresh.

See, Karen eat until so happy, haha...

Last item on the menu, the Caramelized Spiced Pineapple. My critique: sweet and juicy. Thumbs up agAin, haha.

To be able to 'prawn' and what's more, eat such good food at this kind of place, at just 20bucks, it's really really really worth it! And it's a good place to relax, a step nearer to nature and away from the bustling city. In all, it's good day with Karen and YC. haha.

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