Sunday, November 22, 2009

What we ate at the food fair:

1. Sausages
2. Smoked duck
3. 仙草水
4. Otah
5. 蚝仔面线
6. 台湾鲁肉饭
7. 马蹄薄饼
8. Mr Bean's soyabean + bundong (2 cups)
9. 鱼翅汤
10. 咖哩鱼丸
11. 扣肉包
12. Munching the free samples of 肉干 (that's me only, kekeke)

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Movie: 2012

Ching's rating: 8.5/ 10

It's been a while since I last watched a good film. Kiwi likes it too, keke. It kept me on the edge, 很刺激!But it's a sad show... if there's this doomsday, would you choose to know it beforehand?


Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween!!! 31102009

My first halloween! Haha.

Gonna post more pics up when I've the time...

Been a long long time since I last posted hor... cos' really super busy with work...

sometimes I think I'm breaking, or cracking... but well, I think I'm still sorta hanging on cos' I've been getting lotsa lotsa support around...

*emo* :P