Sunday, August 31, 2008

Comex is just over ya... looking at the crowd, looking at the amount of stuff people buy, economy got down meh?

So exciting! Nah, not referring to work. keke. :P
I mean cameras, slrs... Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX3 is cool, it is proclaiming that among compact cameras, it has the best picture quality. Tried it at Comex, quite ok, slightly less noise than other compacts. Design is nice nice and it is selling like hotcakes! The salesperson say the black colour LX3 sold out liao, left a few silver ones only. Ok, maybe in Singapore, economy not that bad? or turning bad, but not bad?
Eh, I shall still wait and see see... wait for LX4 maybe...

And what's more, Canon is coming out with 50D! And EF-S 18-200mm f3.5-5.6 IS lens! But sadly, no HSM for this piece of lens... Still I shall wait and see... wait for 60D maybe, haha...


Tmr is 开工日!
Ehh, who say 4 months of holiday too long???!? Holi is never enough, hohoho...
But rested for so long, it's like engine cooled down for 4 months... Gonna start it tmr... slowly gear 1... gear 2... gear 3... gear 4!!!

Thanks for all the well wishes peeps, hehe :)


Friday, August 29, 2008


是煮半生熟鸡蛋。要煮好的半生熟蛋,我觉得不容易耶。。。有吃过很 disaster 的,如蛋根本没熟。而吃过最好的就是 Ya Kun 的,但有时候他们也会失手,哈哈。。。


- 鸡蛋多大
- 鸡蛋在煮之前是冷(放在冰箱)是热
- 热水多少以及有多少粒鸡蛋在锅/大杯子里


*p.s: 其实写这篇的目的是要提醒自己煮半生熟蛋的重点,哈哈。。。

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

给大学生的忠告 (1/7) (extracted from a forwarded email)

在整理 emails 的时候,读到 Cheesiang (大学武术) 以前 forward 的 email, 觉得很有意思、很有意义。虽然我已毕业,我的朋友也大多都毕业了,但里头的内容都可运用在人生上。
不禁让我猜想这email 作者是哪国籍、是怎样的人。。。但我猜他/ 她应该是挺客观地看事情。

Email 很长,知道大家时间与耐性有限,所以我将分7周将内容呈上,每周一次放载部分内容。

Here it goes...:

1. 进入大学,你的所有过去对于他们来说是一张白纸,这是你最好的重新塑造自己形象的时候。

2. 大学可能有真实的爱情,但只是可能。很多时候他们是因为别人都谈恋爱而羡慕或者别的原因而在一起。

3. 你在大学有很多意外用钱的地方。为了你的家人和你自己的前途,永远别乱花钱。

4. 你大学的朋友很可能就是你将来事业的一部分。他们会帮助你。但是你也应该让自己有能够帮助他们的实力,所以,你要努力。

5. 很多事情当你再回忆时会发现其实没什么。所以,不管你当时多么生气愤怒或者别的,都告诉自己不必这样。

6. 学习,永远不要忘记。如果你学习失败了,你就什么也不是,当然,也不排除意外,但问题是,你会是那个意外吗?

7. 别说脏话,你应该知道习惯的力量。你随便的一个字或者几个字会让你在别人心中的形象大打折扣。

8. 好好利用在公共场合说话的机会,展示或者锻炼。

9. 别为你自己和别人下定论,这非常重要。你所看到听到的可能只是一面。

10. 如果你发现很久了你一直是一个人去食堂吃饭或者去上自习,别在意,大学里一个人是正常的。

11. 很多事情别人通知你了,要说谢谢,没有通知你,不要责怪,因为那些事情你其实应该自己弄清楚。

Monday, August 25, 2008

@ Home...

*P.S.: No choice but looks like this time I really gota reformat my lappy... Clearing files, sorting many many pics. Just some random pics fished out while I'm sorting, taken some time ago.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

It's a saturday night,

when all photographers would come to gather at certain places in the city.
Just to capture your spectacular moments, fireworks.

An interesting sight to see,
with photographers lined up along the railing.
Tripods up, SLRs mounted, you can imagine the scene.

I think these people are kind souls,
or at least we can call them helpful.
I was late and the place was packed,
and two photographers gladly made space for me to squeeze in.
The grass was very wet,
and one of them gave me newspapers so that I could put my stuff.
Photographers can make friends with one another easily somehow.

Lights at Marina Bay floating platform were switched off.
"Get ready, gonna start soon!"

hence umbrellas were up.
Nah, wasn't sheltering ourselves.
Umbrellas are meant for the cameras, you see.

Very busy.
Eyes transfixed upon the fireworks.
Both hands occupied; one for holding the umbrella, and the other for the remote switch.
*Click clek click clek click clek* for 15 minutes.
All were doing the same things for 15 minutes.

Interesting sight,
and I feel comfortable with the accompany of friends and strangers,
as all were there for the same purpose.

Okay then,
see you peeps next year.
And see you next year, fireworks.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Blocks of colours

Majority of us live in these blocks.
But do you ever notice their variations and architecture?
*p.s.: gloomy day; am still searching for a good angle, hmm... try harder next time.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

National Wushu Competition 2008

Good job peeps!

Ivan with his 南拳一路。Don't play play k... he got first among 37 participants, hahaha.

JY with his 鹰爪拳。Stylo ya~

翁清海 is one of the judges.

Don't know this guy... but look how straight is his body! At 45 degrees somemore... good, 很标准。

Sorry Mok, I only managed to get your back view, keke... Btw, Mok's 套路 is 齐梅棍。

SW with his 锄头。This is a very traditional 套路。

QY with her 霸王枪。Ohh... I miss !!!...

And here comes my favourite pic (below):

Am happy with this piece, cos' this is the first time I really feel strongly about something in an event, and manage to snap it, express it in my photo. 就像是找到摄影的精神、一张照片的精神所在。。。Ehh... 你听得懂我在说什么吗?不好意思,我在喃喃自语、自得其乐,哈哈。。。有些感觉我有时候就是无法明确地表达出来,嗐~

Wednesday, August 20, 2008




Sunday, August 17, 2008

The competitive spirit in the air

but it's not me competing, haha.

Firstly, on an international level, Singapore's women table tennis team won SILVER at the OLYMPIC!

Secondly, this week has been the National Wushu Competition.
Great job, NTU wushu peeps! Well done! yay~~~

Friday, August 15, 2008

Singapore women's table tennis WON!!!~~~

Yay!!!!~~~~~ :)

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

在一个叫 Kbox 的地方







Thursday, August 7, 2008

Good books - Confessions of a Shopaholic by Sophie Kinsella

Genre: Romance comedy
No. of pages: 348
Ching's rating: 8/10

A light-hearted novel. There seems to be a bit of Rebecca in every girl, hohoho... (though I think Rebecca is one too extreme shopaholic...)
To everyone: In this world where credit cards and debit cards are sooo ready available to us, we need to impose some minimum level of self-discipline on ourselves, in terms of shopping... Put the cards into right use, not misuse.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Movie - The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor

Ching's rating: 6/10

Well, there's the usual movie effects which is nicely done. Nevertheless, it is kinda disappointing (maybe I brought too much hope into the threater, haha), cos' it is not captivating enough. The climax is not really climax. Somehow I feel the movie loses its focus? The punch is not there yet.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Sights @ Syd - Sydney Harbour National Park

Unpredictable weather on this particular day. It was raining most of the time though. Hence, we couldn't spot any whales :( Wonder how much damage has been done to my camera loh...

P.S.: Sorry for being a slowpoke to post up the pics... but sometimes you need to have the mood to do these stuff, haa...
When it's concerned to play and relax, time is never enough. Haha.

Wonderful August (I hope so, and most prob will be ba... at least it's still P&R: play and relax!).




May I stick to my plans...


Saturday, August 2, 2008


Left one month....

One month...


TJ CPC gathering oN 31072008

We were discussing, "How long has it been since our last gathering?". 2 years... 2 years!?! gosh, that's a long time since we last met!...
Anyway, that was a nice evening, we just catch up with one another, time flies... and it's about 11 at night.
Should do gatherings more often... at least once a year, hehe... Well, at least we can keep everyone updated with everyone's lives (that's very important), knowing that you are doing well, that you are well and kicking alive, haha.
I guess that's the 'spirit' of gatherings; trying to get people bonded, keep the friendship going, it takes effort for one to organise (*salute*) and takes effort for the rest to join in (*claps*). 友情、像其他的感情一样, 是需要经营的。
Everyone's busy (and I realised, as I am the only one among the seniors who has a 3-year course, I am the only one graduated this year! haha...)... so cya peeps around the same time of next year then! ;)
Take care everyone~