Monday, October 27, 2008

Changi Boardwalk: Kelong Walk

Taking a break from the bustling city, working papers and computers.

Taking a break to the evening sky, gentle breeze and calming sea. So good.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

给大学生的忠告 (7/7) (extracted from a forwarded email)

67. 相信时间的力量,可以冲淡很多东西。

68. 记住:目光要深远。你的目光看多远你就能走多远。

69. 人生有很多次如果,但是,没有一次“但是”。

70. 永远不要瞧不起大学里的贫困生。

71. 在大学时代看看学校的招聘会吧,你会感觉到一种前途的危机。全是人,全是人,全是人……

72. 越大,我们就会发现对与错越是那么不明显,这不是错,这是事实,而且无法改变。

73. 记住结交每一个值得结交的朋友。

74. 无聊的时候,别忘记朋友。朋友无聊的时候,别忘记你是他们的朋友。

75. 如果你没有珍惜大学这三/四年,你一定会抱憾终生。

That's all folks! :)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Kor's hamster

Shooting Kor's hamsters is tough sia. They can't keep still! Shall try again next time. haha

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Lost my phone :(

Lost my phone last night, hai...

Was in the toilet cubicle, placed it on top of the toilet roll dispenser... Realised that something's VERY WronG when I am back at the ballroom with nothing in my hands... Rushed back immediately but my phone was no longer there loh! argh...

Of course will feel abit down lah... but then must thank my friends for helping me call my phone at least 100 times, and search high and low for it.

And my Mum, she's damned efficient, hahaha. Well, I called her once to tell her about my lost phone. And I called her the second time to ask her to help me disconnet the sim card, but before I was able to tell her that, she had done it. Mama, you're so zai, hahaha.

So dear friends, please give me your phone nos.! My line will resume again by tomorrow. Thanks :)

p.s.: despite this unfortunate incident of mine, I would still hafta say that last night's DnD was great. Really very "Shanghai", most grand DnD I've ever attended (Prom night and Grad night were pale in comparison :X). Okay, lucky draw, I've got nothing to say... it's the bEst lucky draw I've ever come across... everyone became so so sooo excited about the prizes. Too bad I didn't win anything, haha.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Flash photography

Yep, we're talking about external flashes.

At times, photos may turn out to be pale, or having harsh lightings during events (e.g. birthdays, gatherings, concerts, etc).

That's when external flashes help/ save the pics.

A not-so-bad link about external flashes, especially for Canon cams:

But there's so much to learn about flash photography, I read until ZzZzzz too. haha.


Sidetrack abit, I went to check out prices of some compact cams the other time.
The shop does not have the latest Sigma DP2 (read previous post for more), but it does sell Sigma DP1 (the older model), and it costs $1600! Sooo expensive!!! I can buy 2 compact cams/ a brand new dslr/ 2 lens/ 1 L lens!

As for Leica D-lux4, the shop doesn't have the model, but the guy is saying minimum $1k and above...
Lumix LX3 cheapest, $690. Most reasonable. haha.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

给大学生的忠告 (6/7) (extracted from a forwarded email)

56. 要有精英意识,考虑一下,大学的人了,迷恋武侠和言情,已经没有任何意义。

57. 莫过于耿直,莫过于圆滑。外圆内方是一种视野,视野决定着境界。

58. 大学的手机是否应该用只有自己有答案。

59. 永远别渴望做个谁都不得罪的人,在反对和支持声中自己做出决定才精彩。

60. 要有魄力,即使是失败,也不要让自己的人生平庸。

61. 喜欢一个人,就勇敢地告诉他或者她。大学是学习的地方,但是我理解爱情的力量。

62. 应该相信一句话:没有不可能的事情!只要去做。现在我们是学生,十年后呢?

63. 不要总想是否能成功,既然选择,便当风雨兼程。

64. 后悔,它是一种耗费精神的情绪,后悔是比损失更大的损失,比错误更大的错误。所以不要后悔。

65. 我们确实活得艰难,要承受种种外部的压力,更要面对自己内心的困惑。在苦苦挣扎中,如果有人向你投以理解的目光,你会感到一种生命的暖意,或许仅有短暂的一瞥,便足以使我感奋不已。

66. 每个人都有潜在的能量,只是很容易被习惯所掩盖,被时间所迷离,被惰性所消磨。