Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Family Chalet 14112009

It's family day! Great gathering, fun day, all thanks to Jonas Kor for organising :)

Before the games:
Nephews by the pool!


Attempting to get Charles attention~


The games!:

"I'm in Matt's team"

Matt's team

Colin's team

Ah Yong's team

Mesen's team

Prize giving:


就是他!Thanks Kor!
It's so hard to find a good compact nowadays. The always lacking factor: image quality.

Guess SLR is most reliable, haha.

Monday, December 21, 2009

嘿嘿。。。 终于轮到我放假了吧。。。不过还是有些工作“首尾”要解决,这就是大人世界!:P

1. 十月围城 (看了,不错!革命的牺牲、革命的伟大,我想是我们这代人无法彻底感受与理会的。。。电影里也有许多不是搞笑、却又搞笑的情节。。。看后让我知道 k? 我们可以“讨论”一番,呵呵~)

2. Avatar (听说不错,很高科技,所以想看这次大导 James Cameron 又使出什么花样来。。。:P)