Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Good movie - Batman: The Dark Knight

Ching's Rating: 9.9/10

A pretty dark movie. Graphics's superb (technologies that make you go 'wow~'), acting's superb (especially Heath Ledger; makes me feel that he is not acting the Joker...but he IS the Joker...) but what I like so much about this movie (and why I think this one is outstanding among the rest of the superhero movies so far) are the plot and the theme.

This scriptwriter is using more brain juice (my opinion :P ) in bringing out the theme of human nature. Presented very nicely.

Something like the Chinese's thoughts, 人性本善(孟子),或人性本恶(荀子)。The art of choice. Numerous details in the movie that makes audience think.

Joker understands the human nature very well...just that he's sooo negative in his perspective (a lot of negative energy sia, or he thinks everything is a joke. Whatever...)... that he becomes the Joker. Maybe that's why he is the Joker, we are not, haha.

Can watch.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008



Trace graduated on the same day too! (Hers was the morning ceremony, while mine was in the afternoon.)
Stella! My secondary friend :)
And how can I forget my lecture buddy...Ting!

Peeps above are my tutorial mates for 2.5 years... fun ppl, makes you laugh, and not to forget, they like to irritate you too, haha :P

My OB teammates!

ZY! As usual, 搞怪。

虽然我在大学不是很活跃,但毕竟在那儿也有三年。时间很快,就像人家讲的,好像一场梦。问我做了些什么,我也无法彻底回答。不管怎样,我会怀念学校,我会怀念与朋友一起“并肩作战”、一起 crack lame jokes、讽刺对方、一起笑的时光!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Class of 2008

Hi friends~~~ Please send me any photos that got you and me k! Thanks ya :)

Monday, July 21, 2008 The Day...

Yep, it's my convocation tomorrow! Well, I don't feel that sense of excitment actually, since I've gotten my degree cert anyway, haha.

But right now I'm feeling butterflies in my stomach... cos' of the idea that you gotta wear the big academic dress, walk up the stage to shake hands, make sure that my hair is tidy, my make-up is not smudged, my face is not oily, I look good when taking photographs, etc. (Arh, vainity...but I supposed ALL women will at least have some of that vainty right, haha)

Anyway, tomorrow is the day! When I've 'officially' completed my formal education. I would say it's quite a straight path, from nursery all the way to uni, no major hiccups. Too comfortable sometimes... but hey, I do my fair share of work to arrive at this point of life k, haa~

Hence, after tomorrow, I'll have officially completed the Level 1 of my LiFe education, hohoho~
朋友们,明天见! :)

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Prawning! (Catch & Cook) oN 19072008

活动名称是 "Catch & Cook",NTUDelio Aprecio ClubAngler's Club 首次联办。
地点: Bottle Tree Prawning Pond
To the members in the clubs: You peeps did a great job :)
又是我的第一次!。。。钓虾~ 哈哈。开心咯,因为新鲜感嘛,嘿嘿。(不好意思,本人有点 sua ku 。。。)

但还不止,除了钓虾、烤虾、还有许多美味佳肴享用(而且是有高手煮的哦),这一切只需。。。20块!物超所值!赞!(你要知道,单单钓虾,平时一小时就须 $14.50, 我们是钓了至少两小时)

还不止~ 在钓虾同时本人也悟出了一些东西。。。其实做人有时候就应该像钓虾一样,哈哈。但愿我能一直都记得并运用这些道理。。。不懂我在说什么?或许你亲身钓一钓就明白了,呵呵。



Karen 与虾

YC 与虾“搏斗”(他被虾儿们的钳子夹了几次,呵呵。)

Above: The chef! He's a great cook sia... He's doing some demonstration, teaching us how to make and eat Tuscan Bruschetta.

This is Guacamole. Looks too green like... haha. But well, it tastes good, especially if you eat it with nachos.

My favourite! It's spread with garlic-herb butter and taken to grill... yummy...

Grilled Rosemary Chicken with Asparagus and Portobello. Thumbs up.

Our catch... and they are transformed by the wonderful chef into... the Cajun Prawns.

Look at the flesh, it's so fresh.

See, Karen eat until so happy, haha...

Last item on the menu, the Caramelized Spiced Pineapple. My critique: sweet and juicy. Thumbs up agAin, haha.

To be able to 'prawn' and what's more, eat such good food at this kind of place, at just 20bucks, it's really really really worth it! And it's a good place to relax, a step nearer to nature and away from the bustling city. In all, it's good day with Karen and YC. haha.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Timbre party oN 18/07/2008

It's just a NBS graduates gathering, for us to catch up with one another.
And it's more of an OB gathering for me! Yes, cos' the table I'm at are all OB classmates. Hanging out since year 1.

So here are the girls:
and boys:

Look at what ZY is doing!... as usual, haha... :P

And this is my particular OB team in year 1 class! (below):

Well, not full attendance (Xiu not free I think, Seng's still working, and ZY is drinking at the other table!...) but there will be other opportunities to take a full one! keke

Though we're going different paths now, everyone must keep in touch with everyone k!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Sights @ Syd - The Macquarie Lighthouse

Australia's first lighthouse.
White and blue. Feels pure.
The way it is statued against the sky, gives a feeling of... vastness.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

KL showed me this post, and I think it's pretty interesting. Thought of sharing with you peeps too.

This is the link to the post:

Monday, July 14, 2008

My first time...

Attending a friend's wedding!
It's two friends' wedding actually, cos' I know both the husband and wife, haha.

Many other friends had asked me, "Oh, your friend get married so young??"
Keke, well, Hao Chieh and Xiu Ling are both older than me. :P

Yes, yes, to me, there's a difference between friends' weddings and relatives' weddings... it just feels different... like... you have come to an age... ya, I getting older lah... haha.

Hmm, as the years go, I'll have more weddings to attend ya... In fact, this October, I got one more to attend!

The photos taken are in Jo's camera, but she's flying tomorrow, so guess I'll get them from her when she's back...

Once again, congratulations to Hao Chieh and Xiu Ling, on this special day of you two, 14 July 2008.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Comics to be given away...Free!

I got some comics to give away (cos' of space constraints)! :)
They are very new(I would read them, then put them in my shelf, so they are in almost mint condition).

Comics to give away are:
1) 射雕英雄传 1 - 11
2)孙子兵法 1-2
3)灭火群雄 1-2
4)Dragon Voice 1
5) Cityhunter 2
6) 最游记 Reload 1
7) 大霹雳 1-4 (it's hongkong comics, full colour graphics kind)
8) 感应少年 Eiji 1
9) 绿林琴声 1
10)封神演义 1

Offer will be till 18 Jul 08. Friends who are interested, give me a call/sms :)

Monday, July 7, 2008


今天晚上和 Karen, Van, JW, SK 和 YC 吃饭,然后就闲话家常地聊起。Karen 和 JW 都正式上班了。 聊啊聊,就让我突然“发现”到:我们都是 grown-ups 了!!!


能不能“另外一样”?只要不违背大原则,那就 Ok 了 吧,对吗?

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Good books - The Undomestic Goddess by Sophie Kinsella

Genre: Romance comedy
No. of pages: 401
Ching's rating: 9/10

A light-hearted novel, my kind of humor, haha. It's pretty entertaining, makes me laugh hard!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

昨晚和朋友唱 k, Wil 竟然点了经典日剧 Beach Boys 的 "Forever Love"! 好 retro 哦。。。那种昔日回忆和感觉回来了一点点。。。记得吗,那时候反町隆史和竹野内丰是超红的。本人在两者之间比较喜欢阿丰,哈哈哈~

哦,Beach Boys 是 1997 年的电视剧。。。我才小五咧!


*P.S.: 我现有的 Hifi 常发疯,已经有好几年了,有时候真受不了。。。早晚会把它给休了。。。

Thursday, July 3, 2008

“女大十八变”。 怎么我还没什么改变?!?。。。或说,大变 (不是大便)。

(*感触是在看了 facebook 之后产生的。)



变 = 前进?
变 = 进步?
变 = 好?
变 = 坏?
不变 = 守旧?
不变 = 老土?
不变 = 执着?
不变 = 有原则?



Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Good books - The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

Genre: Philosophy
No. of pages: 177
Ching's rating: 9 / 10
Paulo Coelho communicated his ideas and thoughts in the form of a story. What surprised me is that this author has some thoughts which is similar/ identical to our Chinese philosopher, 老子! Has this Brazilian man read 老子 too? hmm... 还是英雄所见略同? hmm...