Saturday, August 2, 2008

TJ CPC gathering oN 31072008

We were discussing, "How long has it been since our last gathering?". 2 years... 2 years!?! gosh, that's a long time since we last met!...
Anyway, that was a nice evening, we just catch up with one another, time flies... and it's about 11 at night.
Should do gatherings more often... at least once a year, hehe... Well, at least we can keep everyone updated with everyone's lives (that's very important), knowing that you are doing well, that you are well and kicking alive, haha.
I guess that's the 'spirit' of gatherings; trying to get people bonded, keep the friendship going, it takes effort for one to organise (*salute*) and takes effort for the rest to join in (*claps*). 友情、像其他的感情一样, 是需要经营的。
Everyone's busy (and I realised, as I am the only one among the seniors who has a 3-year course, I am the only one graduated this year! haha...)... so cya peeps around the same time of next year then! ;)
Take care everyone~

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