Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Finally finally...the E-420!

Having heard about it for so, so long, the Olympus E-420 digital SLR is finally coming to Singapore! This is how it looks like:

Nah, I am not changing camera... just that something I like about Olympus, the E-4XX series (camera body) are the design (retro look) and that it is compact and light. Good for girls with small hands like me haha. Nevertheless, something that stopped me from buying E-410 last time was that it has no live view, and the crop factor mainly.

Now the new model, E-420, is hitting Singapore in June! World's most compact digital SLR (note: refering to its camera body only); it is slim, and got face detection and... liVe vIeW! Hmm...not bad huh...If you pick the appropriate lense to go with it, it can act as a superb high picture quality "prosumer camera". But the price is also of "higher quality" lah haha.

Why do I sound like I am promoting E-420?....haha. Still, there's pros and cons about SLR cams. Must consider seriously before plunging into it, cos' it's either loving it, or regretting. :P

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